Writer's can develop a disease called "Writer's Block", where they're mind is temporarily blocked of creative writing thoughts, and they have to cease from writing temporarily because they JUST cannot get a good diea. Recently, Creative Arts employees across the nation have experienced similar symptoms in their own fields. This has resulted in different outcomes, and consequences, and I've named this new discovery the "Creative Cube".
Similar to "Writer's Block", suffering from "Creative Cube" can impair your ability to continue working, but with "Creative Cube" most ideas are still present, they simply bounce all over the place and are almost impossible to catch. If you, or someone you love seems to be suffering from any of the following symptoms, please consult the nearest recreation facility* in hopes of restoring freedom from the "Cube": itchy, watery eyes; dry mouth; loss of interest in any of their electronic equipment [mac, mouse, etc.]; blank stares; quiet weeping under their breath; dramatic outbursts in the workplace; uncontrollable laughter about things that just aren't that funny; sudden Photoshop creations containing the words "die", "death", or "Xtreme"; childlike giggles while rendering files; or uncontrollable urges to redecorate the office.
"Creative Cube" can be treated effectively, and most sufferer's regain normal behaviors within 24 hours of treatment. There have been cases of permanent "Creative Cube", but most long-term sufferer's convert to Left-Brain-ism, and experience no further diffculties. Do not treat "Creative Cube" with recreational activty if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant; Treatment should not last longer than 24 hours, as this will result in job-loss; Do not attempt to operate heavy machinery, especially Adobe products while suffering severe symptoms.
For any further questions, talk to your doctor, or join a Mac-user forum online.
*If the patient does not respond to a page filled with the Comic Sans typeface wth disapproval, you may wish to induce recovery breathing techniques.