Why did the world have a strange fascination with making baby Jesus rather creepy? Honestly, if I were Joseph, and this came upon a midnight clear, I'd be pretty frightened. Needless to say, I can't imagine either that images like this would have scored big on converting heathens.
To me, Baby Jesus was just that. A baby, named Jesus, who would one day save the world. He didn't need to look like a little man who wore a crown. Why? Because his actions, message, and kindness were enough to stick out in the world. In fact, it is this by which we remember him by, not his actual looks or figure.
So maybe our representations of Christ should not be images, either. Perhaps the best way to introduce Christ to the world is through our kindness, message, and actions. Let's not focus on looking fancy or all grown up. Yes, this can help, but it's not what is going to save anyone. Let's show Christ in action and deed.
So..........I should return the stained-glass window I got for our office...?
Only if baby Jesus looks like a miniature man.
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