Thursday, January 10, 2008



It's not Christmas time anymore, most people took down their lights, I just put mine up in my room, and Wal-Mart redecorated that candy aisle the day after to make room for Valentine's Day. I think Wal-Mart is really insecure about that aisle being empty. They always jump the gun on holidays, "Oh my gosh! St. Patrick's Day is over! Put out the sparklers! Red white and blue!"

Things around the office [for me] have been quiet, and for everyone else, they've been slightly hectic. Sara's taking some much needed time off, Matt and I are working on some videos, Spencer's writing things and playing guitar, and we're probably gonna have a dance party when we're all back in session again. Or a Nerf war.

2008 is kind of like the middle-child of New Year's. People got really excited about 2000 because it was really "new" and now the excitement has faded a little. We went from "Oh my gosh! The year 2000! Party like it's 199--WAIT! It ain't! Woo!" To this year, "Oh crap. I did it again. How can I make this seven look like an eight?"

I suppose there is a lot to be excited about with the start of a new year, it seems to mean a lot to people that they have a "clean slate" of sorts to start over on all those things they "meant to do" in 2007. I guess that's something a lot of people look for in life, a chance to make-up for things, or do better at life. Seeing all those sad people who really just want another chance to be great. It makes me really glad I'm already awesome.

Well, not really. It took a lot of pain before I could become awesome, so...

Seriously though, it makes me extremely thankful to God for every part of my life, and the moments I know he has planned for this next year. "Living" in the new year is my number one goal, and there are so many ways to get that done. One of those ways starts right here at the PLC Creative Arts Office, where creativity meets functionality and purpose, head-on. Apply directly to the forehead.


Anonymous said...

i smiled through reading that blog. don't miss me too much. i love you guys!

matty said...

So I left a clever comment the other day, but unfortunately it's gone missing...