Friday, February 29, 2008

"Give Me My Penny!"

Hey everyone! It's AJ!


I'm ready for Spring Break! Hi!

Okay, seriously though. I know snow is pretty, and fluffy, and didn't do anything to me, but come on. I have this strange feeling that some people are just gonna start going stir-crazy! They're gonna freak out with cabin-fever, and start doing crazy things. All over Iowa. It'll be on the National News channels, ya know?

"Man demands penny from cashier! No hostages were harmed."

Or people will just start protesting. "I don't care if it's only 10 degrees! I'm wearing my shorts! Give me my flip-flops! It's Spring!"

People are just gonna flip out pretty soon over nothing...And they're all gonna blame it on the snowfall records in Iowa. Rabid parents will be running down the sidewalks in swimsuits, teenagers will gather at the pool and swim laps across the ice. If things don't start melting, this IS our future. Pray for warmth. For the sake of Iowanian sanity.

And mine.

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